The New Zealand 2/2 Challenge
New Zealand is one of the world’s dream destinations
In the 8th annual Virtuoso Annual Travel Dreams survey, New Zealand came third after Australia and Italy respectively as a Dream Destination and ranked fourth in Dream Islands.
While those in the know are aware that it’s a fabulous ski and adventure destination, very few know that there are a remarkable 29 regions, each with their own interest and beauty.
For many in the northern hemisphere, particularly the lucrative North American market, it remains a dream that is rarely fulfilled as evidenced by the fact that Australian visitor numbers outstrip the US 6:1 and Canada by an amazing 25:1.
The Packed Bag’s challenge in 2014 was to change those statistics and encourage year-round tourism to all the regions of the country, documenting the adventure every step of the way.
You can read my Know&Go Guides to the destinations visited.